Do You Feel Alone?

Walking on a path
Walking on a path by Matt Flores

By Charleen Burghardt

Do you feel alone in your struggle? Or do you want God to show up in your situation?

I think of two men who were confused, frightened, and hopeless. Life looked dark. Their worlds turned upside down; their dreams shattered.

Have you ever felt that way? I sure have.

Let me share this gripping story from a passage in Luke 24.

Three days after Jesus’ crucifixion, turmoil filled the city of Jerusalem. Fear sent Jesus’ disciples into hiding, not understanding why Jesus died or what to do now. Two followers of Jesus left Jerusalem to walk to the village of Emmaus. As they walked, they discussed the events of the death of their teacher and hoped for Messiah, along with the rumors they heard of the empty tomb. We can only imagine their troubled hearts, perplexed thinking, and countless questions. Maybe grief overwhelmed them because of their closeness to Jesus. During the earthly ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, these two followers listened to his teachings, witnessed miracles, and dined with him.  

Now Jesus was gone. 

They wondered how his death could be and now more questions about an empty tomb filled their conversation.

How could this be?

A stranger came striding beside them, but they did not recognize the stranger as Jesus. Instead, they stopped with sadness written on their faces as they described the events in Jerusalem the last few days.

Jesus questioned them, “What things?”

The two men narrated the happenings. Then, Jesus explained to them the Scriptures concerning himself, referencing the prophecies of how the Messiah would suffer. Finally, the afternoon grew late as they approached Emmaus, causing the two men to beg Jesus to stay with them since darkness was coming.

As they sat down to eat, Jesus broke bread and blessed it. Then, suddenly, they recognized Jesus, and at that moment, Jesus disappeared.

Astonished, they said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32 NIV).

Jesus came.

Walk to Emmaus
Road to the village of Emmaus by Carol Foret

Jesus came unexpectedly

The Savoir comes to us amid our troubled hearts, perplexed thoughts, and questions. The story in Luke 24 is a powerful image of Jesus walking with us on our journey. Of course, we do not see the physical presence of Jesus, but Jesus comes into our situation when we experience loneliness or other trials.

Jesus comes unexpectedly.

We may not perceive that the Savior is with us on our journey at the time. But later, we glance back, only to realize Jesus walked with us.

Jesus comes

When I experienced a miscarriage on my fortieth birthday, the shock and sadness engulfed me. Where was God? How could this happen? Looking back on my loss, I realize I was not alone; God’s presence strengthened me and got me through those dark days. God reached out to me through friends and loved ones. I am not grateful for the loss, but I am thankful for the gift of Jesus alongside me during my miscarriage and the grief afterward.

Earlier in Jesus’ earthly ministry, he came to the disciples unexpectedly. Let me relate to you what happened. Jesus went to pray alone while sending his disciples to go ahead of him by boat. During the night, a fierce storm arose. Frantic and frightened, the disciples worked arduously to keep the ship steady in the gale. Known for severe storms, the Sea of Galilee stirred with turbulence. Now they were alone in a boat that did not seem capable of enduring the strong gale. Then, before dawn, they noticed a shape on the water. They thought they saw a ghost, and terror struck them.

Storm on the Sea of Galilee
Rembrandt painting of storm on the Sea of Galilee

 “Immediately he (Jesus) spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down” (Mark 6:47-52 NIV).

Jesus came unexpectedly in the middle of the storm.

At first, the disciples did not recognize him.

Not only did Jesus come to them, but he also stilled the storm.

Jesus stilled the storm

What are your storms?

Often, we think we are in a crisis or storm alone. Then, when we gaze into the rearview mirror, we recognize we are not alone. Jesus is with us.

Our Savior walks with us as a companion. The word companion means to accompany.

footprints in the sand
footprints sand by Felipe Correia

Jesus accompanies us no matter where we are, companions with us.

 I love the images of Jesus walking alongside us from Luke 24 and of Jesus coming to us in the middle of our storm. No matter where we go or what we experience, Jesus is there, accompanying us.

Jesus companions with us on our journey.

When you experience a crisis or feel alone, know Jesus is companioning with you. Divine grace, unexplained strength, and a comforting presence will accompany you.

Listen for the gentle footsteps of the Savior.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this reminder that you walk with us on our journey. We may not recognize you are there, but you are. We are not alone, and your presence is always with us. We need you to come into our situation today, hold us up, comfort us, and speak to us. Amen

How has Jesus come unexpectedly in your life?

Could you share it with us?

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