by Charleen Burghardt
“I’m weary but thankful,” I told a friend when asked how I was doing. My body may be fatigued and my emotions drained, but that doesn’t mean I am not grateful. The past two weeks have been overflowing with doctor appointments, company staying with us, extra meals to prepare, and lots of driving in our busy city. My body felt exhausted; however, I thanked God for the goodness around me and became refreshed in my soul and spirit.
Our bodies can be tired, but our hearts rise above the tiredness and express appreciation to a loving God for his faithfulness.
Fall Season
Similarly, fall and Thanksgiving prompt us to be mindful of blessings, divine protection over our lives, and provisions for our needs. We often recount and celebrate the beautiful gifts around us, fully aware that those gifts remain beyond our control. We recognize the love and kindness of God in our lives, lifting our gaze toward him and away from our wants and needs.
Also, gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what we receive, tangible or intangible. We express gratitude for the grace in our lives and acknowledge that the source of goodness lies beyond ourselves. When we offer thanks with words or in silence, we connect with someone bigger than us, a loving God, realizing that those blessings come from a Good God.
Gratitude Journal
While serving as a chaplain, I met a lady who changed my thoughts on gratitude. She almost died from being unable to breathe, causing her to be thankful for every breath. She gave me an unexpected gift of appreciation. (read her story). After that experience with her, I began writing five things each day that I’m grateful for: some material, some physical, and some invisible, such as forgiveness, joy, and peace. A change in my attitude developed, and my contentment level improved. Every day, I make it a habit to thank God for five things. Now, I find it encouraging to read some of my lists because I quickly forget blessings.
Gratitude At Bedtime
My friend counts her blessings at night instead of counting sheep. She makes it a habit to express appreciation for the good things in her life. Bette adds her grateful list to her nightly prayers, giving her concerns to God. Thus, she sleeps more restfully. Research supports Bette’s bedtime practice of counting her blessings.
When we are thankful, we realize how little control we have over events and people. As a result, we can more easily “let go” of our concerns when we know we have little control over our worries. We more readily rely on God, causing our minds to fill with less anxiety and our bodies to relax.
Gratitude As An Andidote
Another benefit is that gratitude serves as an antidote to feelings of hopelessness. We discover relief from despair by seeking signs of God’s presence in everyday events. When previously, we only viewed the negative, now we notice the little things, like a smile, a hug, the kindness of a stranger, a text from a friend saying they are praying for us, or God providing what we need that seemed minute. When we take the time to express gratitude in words, songs, or breathe prayers, blessings emerge even amid sadness.
Gratitude Changes Our Perspective
”Gratitude changes the lens through which we see the circumstances in our little slice of time. Thanksgiving changes our perspective … As you praise God for who He is and thank Him for what He’s done, your perspective of Him grows larger, and your problems grow smaller. As a result, you will experience a deeper sense of intimacy with God as the emotional gap between what you know to be true and how you feel at the moment closes.” This profound quote is from speaker and author Sharon Jaynes, Gratitude Changes Everything.
Gratitude Opens Us Up To God
A profound quote from one of my favorite authors is, “Gratitude isn’t only a celebration when good things happen. Gratitude is a declaration that GOD IS GOOD no matter what happens.”–Ann Voskamp. She also says that Gratitude opens up space in our hearts for God to grow in us while setting aside our concerns.
Gratitude Improves Health
Furthermore, scientific research supports the positive impact of gratitude. Studies demonstrate that gratitude can enhance attitude and performance, as it rewires the brain to boost mental well-being. For example, an article titled “How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain” highlights that people who actively acknowledge their blessings are generally happier and experience lower levels of depression.
Expressing gratitude is linked to numerous mental and physical benefits. Research indicates that feeling grateful can enhance sleep quality, boost mood, and strengthen immunity. Practicing gratitude has also been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, chronic pain issues and even lower the risk of certain diseases.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Gratitude Is A Choice
Finally, gratitude surpasses a fleeting emotion but rather an intentional choice we make.
Appreciate the little things, see the surrounding goodness, and look for ways God works, big and small. God is Good, faithful, gracious, and loving.
Practice gratitude at every opportunity. Make gratitude a habit. Watch how the power of Gratitude changes you.
Gratitude is powerful!
Praise the Lord! Let all that I am praise the Lord. I will praise the Lord as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath (Psalm 146:1,2 NLT).
If the holidays are hard for you, check out my post, Facing The Holidays or Gratitude in the Mist of Loss.
Grace Offers Hope,
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I would love to hear your gratitude stories. Share with all the readers.
This is wonderful Charleen! My evening prayers follow the ACTS form with thanksgiving given for daily gifts; it allows me to praise Him for those little things that I may have otherwise taken for granted. Mindfulness is key. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of gratefulness❣️
Yes, gratitude reminds us of God’s goodness to us- mindful of God’s faithfulness along with big and little gifts.
One reason Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday is because it’s impossible to commercialize!
Non believers have no one to thank!
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, too.
Char, this is a wonderful article on gratitude and just how powerful it is. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and experiences with all of us!! Love, Marcy