Gratitude Is An Act of Faith

man thinking or praying
A prayer

by Charleen Burghardt

What a year this has been!

I appreciate the many readers and your engagement in my posts. Thank you.

What a year this has been!



Has this year been a year of trials?

As you know, my son, Joel, is in liver failure. Our prayers are for a partial liver from a live donor. That would be the best. Our family has also experienced several losses. I work hard to stay positive and trust God.

But I am not alone; many of you have experienced struggles, trials, losses, and illness, including cancer, this year.

We are not alone.

I’ve witnessed your resilience and faith.

Resilience means not letting something rough get you down.

Resilience means bouncing back.


I’ve seen that in you.

Faith means trusting in the unseen God, no matter the circumstances.

I’ve seen that, too.

Trust that God will take care of you.

Faith and Trust

But most of all, I’ve witnessed gratitude in you.

When we verbalize our thankfulness despite our circumstances, it takes faith.

No matter our loss, we whisper a “thank you.”

Gratitude is faith in action. It takes faith to express gratitude.

Gratitude is an act of Faith.

Thank You

Thank You

Our Monday Night Bible Study meets in our home. We’re all over sixty and residents of the same neighborhood. This week, my husband, Walt, changed our icebreaker question by asking, “What are you grateful for?”

When I looked around the room, I saw those hit by illness, those who had lost dear loved ones, recent widows, and those who faced insurmountable challenges. Yet, we all united to strengthen, believe in, and pray for one another.

What are you thankful for?

We took turns going around the room and sharing what we are thankful for: family, friends, faith, recovery, relationships, health, a home, safety, and many other things.

As we shared, the moment touched me. It was a holy moment. All of us are affected by life, and some of us are wounded and carry scars, but all thank God.

A Holy Moment

inside a church
Make space for sacred

Finally, Vivian read a poem she wrote. She was the last person to share. I wish you could have heard the drama and emphasis in her voice.


By Vivian Skinner

I went to bed last night in my own bed

Ladened with clean sheets and blankets.

I did not have to stand in line, hoping to secure a bed in the Shelter.

Nor did I have to find, a sleeping corner

In some dark, desolate doorway,

In the streets of the big city.

I slept in comfort, in my own bed.

The police did not have to jar me awake and send me on my way.

Or my worrying about street adversaries

Stealing my menial possessions,

And even attempting to take my life.

I slept in peace, in my own bed.

I awakened this morning, refreshed, grateful,

Alert, full of appreciation,

Full of life, anticipating the goodness in my day.

I was able to get out of bed without assistance,

And yes, I know my name. But for many, It’s not the same.

There are those who have no recollection of their name,

Nor the names of those they love.

Father God, I love you

I thank you for blessings, seen and unseen

So from the housetop I shout. “I am thankful

Thankful, thankful, so very thankful”

I am full of gratitude.

Poem by Vivian Skinner

With those words, I close.

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.

Grace Offers Hope,


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  1. Full of gratitude we are 🙌🏾
    Daily in our walk let us share it
    Be thankful for it
    Always seek ways to increase it.
    Charleen, we love and bless you🙏🏽♥️

  2. That poem has changed my mind and it has made me more spiritually stronger and thankful for the many blessings God has given me. Thank u sister Skinner.

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