Gratitude in the Mist of Loss

seeds of gratitude grow

Are you going through a time of disappointment or grief? Maybe you areexperiencing the loss of a loved one, a lost dream, a defeat or another kind ofsetback. All these can bring grief and sadness. Sorrow can both crush us underits heavy weight and consume us to obscure our vision. Furthermore, we findourselves aware of… Continue reading Gratitude in the Mist of Loss

Unlimited Grace

crosses on a wall

Have you ever thought, “I feel weak dealing with what is going on, whether it be grief or challenging circumstances?” When that happens we are in an unsettling place of not being in control.  We recognize we are not as strong as we would like to be. It may bring us to our knees in… Continue reading Unlimited Grace

Clichés Hurt

The dismissive cliché “Time heals all wounds” can sting when quoted back to us when a loss is shared. Why do people say that? Do they think we will feel better? I get angry when I hear it. The cliché seems to minimize our hurt or grief and even can make the hurt worse. Don’t… Continue reading Clichés Hurt

Categorized as grief

Chaplain Support for Uvalde Trauma – Reflection

Uvalde, Texas

A few days after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, I volunteered at the Uvalde Memorial Hospital to provide chaplain care to the staff. The shooting on May 24, 2022, left nineteen fourth graders and two teachers dead. Caring for the victims left the hospital staff shocked and grief-stricken. The day I… Continue reading Chaplain Support for Uvalde Trauma – Reflection

Be Still

Be still and know that I am God.

by admin|Published May 24, 2022 Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). This is a familiar verse but it is so hard to do. Being still means to be tranquil, silent, quiet and motionless, all that seems impossible.  Our days are full of caring for children or other loved ones, demanding work, chatter and… Continue reading Be Still

God Has a Firm Grip on You

In God's Grip

That’s right. Because I, your God,    have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go.I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic.    I’m right here to help you’ (Isaiah 41:13 MSG) Do you tend to think of God as impersonal or distant?  Do you ever wonder if God can be in the middle of what you are going through… Continue reading God Has a Firm Grip on You

Glimpse of Heaven

Do you ever speculate what it would be like to experience heaven? A special lady offered me an unexpected peek. Let me unpack the hospital encounter with a patient, Ms. Marjorie. I entered her room and introduced myself as Chaplain Charleen. Ms. Marjorie’s pure white hair surrounded her face and contrasted with her sapphire eyes, with… Continue reading Glimpse of Heaven

Unexpected Journey

Photo by Vlad Bagacian

 Do you ever wish your grief would have an end? Grief, the sadness we feel with loss, will it ever go away? You did not chose grief; it choose you. If we view grief as a journey without a specific destination, we come to the conclusion that grief cannot be hurried with no precise end… Continue reading Unexpected Journey

Tattooed Angel

Can God speak through a tattooed angel? Have you ever met someone very different from you and wondered how you could relate? As a chaplain, I experienced a stirring encounter with a man who differed from me as much as oil differs from water. Etched in my memory is the picture of his face and… Continue reading Tattooed Angel