The Tradition of Remembering

by Charleen Burghardt They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer (Psalm 78:35 NIV). Christmas abounds with meaningful and fun traditions interwoven into the fabric of every household. These traditions offer predictable rituals, like putting up a Christmas tree or attending a choir cantata. During my childhood, there was a unique… Continue reading The Tradition of Remembering

Youth Group? You’ve Got to be Kidding

Old bus being remodeled

by Charleen Burghardt I will never forget a warm evening with the moon barely visible in the sky when we walked into an 1893 wooden dance hall. A flickering neon Coors beer sign greeted us as we entered. We noticed only one guitarist and one vocalist occupying a stage surrounded by small twinkling lights. As… Continue reading Youth Group? You’ve Got to be Kidding

Test Post

Hi, I noticed that notifications were not going out for my new posts, so I’m trying a few modifications to see if they work. If you receive a notification for this post, you don’t need to do anything, but I invite you to check out my recent posts at CharleenBurghardt/Blog

Grace Offers Hope

Grace Offers Hope

by Charleen Burghardt How did you make it through a hard time or an impossible situation? I look back to when my sons were young, and I was a single mother; I wonder how I survived. My two sons had a rare disease needing extra medical care and developmental disabilities needing intervention. I juggled teaching… Continue reading Grace Offers Hope

Unwelcomed Gift

unwelcomed gift

Did you receive any unexpected gifts this Christmas that you did not appreciate? Do you have a trait you wish you didn’t possess? I did. Let me tell you my story. As an avid reader, I devour almost anything in print, except computer programing manuals. However, reading has not always been fun for me. I… Continue reading Unwelcomed Gift

Feeling Drained?

Red Rock

Have you ever felt depleted? I have, especially during holidays. Today, I woke up drained mentally from processing all the activities of the week and preoccupation with all the tasks ahead. Maybe I needed a slower day to recover. It seems I expect more of myself than I can accomplish in the time I have.… Continue reading Feeling Drained?