Living Water

By Charleen Burghardt

Do you ever feel that you are in a dry place or weary from life? Does your soul long to be refreshed?

My family and I ventured on a trip to a well-known but remote National Park, Zion National Park. We flew into Las Vegas, rented a car, and drove four hours before we reached the entrance to  Zion. Nothing could have prepared us for the majestic, imposing mountains, jagged as if erupted from nowhere. We felt small as we gazed at the imposing, stark mountains that framed our rustic cabin in a narrow river valley.  

Imposing mountains

Mountain at zion
Mountain at Zion
Yellow Mountain at Zion

During the stay, we witnessed the colors on the rocks changing as the sun reflected off them at various times, from browns to grays to reds. I marveled at the range of hues as I looked up. I understood why this high desert area is known for its red, lofty peaks and cliff formations.

High desert, arid climate

The November foliage peaked the week we were there, delighting us with vibrant yellows, oranges, and crimsons.

red foliage
yellow foliage

We spent several days climbing the steep trails and enjoying the views. During the hikes, I wondered what sustained this arid, rocky fortress’  abundant plant and animal life. What nourished the trees? What formed the stream?

Where did the water come from?

One day, we hiked up Weeping Rock Trail, which seemed like a sheer vertical incline with no vegetation. After stopping a few times to catch our breath, we heard the gentle sound of dripping water. Looking up, we spied a wet crag surrounded by verdant ferns and grasses. With closer examination, we witnessed a spring bubbling clear, cold water. We stood in awe of this seemingly impossible water source that brought life to the desert. The contrast seemed huge to me.

water seeping out
water seeping from the rock

A spring from a crag in the rock

While on the way home, I reflected on the flowing water from the side of the mountain that came from a spring deep inside. The spring reminded me of what Jesus said about giving living water.

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them(John 7:38 NIV).

water coming from the roock

Rivers of living water

When Jesus traveled through a region called Samaria, he stopped at a well and engaged a woman in conversation. According to cultural and social norms of the day, Jews did not associate with Samaritans, especially women. However, Jesus, a Jew, reached out to her. We know little about this woman except she came to draw water from a well at the hottest time of the day when other women would not be there, and she had been married to five men, and now the one she lived with was not her husband.

Jesus reached out to her

The Bible doesn’t tell us her emotional or spiritual needs but shows us that she may have experienced shame from other women, rejection from men, weariness, and brokenness.

Jesus offered to give her water.

He offered her water so that she would never thirst.

Living Water

river bed with trees

Jesus said, “I would give you fresh, living water… Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life” (John 4:10, 14 MSG).

The Samaritan woman left changed, filled with living, cleansing water. From shame to hope, from brokenness to spiritual healing. As a result, she returned to town to tell everyone that she had found living water.

We can feel shame, rejection, and loneliness, but the living water Jesus offers cleanses us. Like the arid mountains, I often feel exhausted with no inner resources left to pull from, but Christ provides living water to quench my soul’s thirst and renew my spirit.

Jesus renews our spirit when weary

Amid a dry time or a time with no answers, Jesus Christ gives life and hope. No matter our stress, circumstances, or weaknesses, Jesus brings grace like a spring in the desert. Refreshment, renewal, and new energy come through the living water given to us by the Holy Spirit.

river in the Narrows

Not only does Jesus give us living water, but living water flows through us to point others to Christ. As Samaritan women, we can tell others about our hope.


Living God,

Thank you for the living water you give to quench the longings in our souls. Refresh and renew us. Show us how to offer living water to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thought for the Day: No matter the circumstances, Christ quenches my thirst.

Prayer Focus: Those who are weary.

Christ offers hope,

Charleen at Zion
Charleen at Zion National Park


  1. Dear Chaplain Friend:
    This is a very touching story.
    How beautiful to incorporate a personal trip, breathtaking photos and then write this story from the flow of God’s creation.

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