Test Post

Hi, I noticed that notifications were not going out for my new posts, so I’m trying a few modifications to see if they work. If you receive a notification for this post, you don’t need to do anything, but I invite you to check out my recent posts at CharleenBurghardt/Blog

Grace Offers Hope

Grace Offers Hope

by Charleen Burghardt How did you make it through a hard time or an impossible situation? I look back to when my sons were young, and I was a single mother; I wonder how I survived. My two sons had a rare disease needing extra medical care and developmental disabilities needing intervention. I juggled teaching… Continue reading Grace Offers Hope

A View Beyond the Veil

Courtesy of Unsplashed Marek Studzinski

“I see things other people don’t see,” the young woman said softly as I looked into her moist brown eyes. I wondered what she meant, but nothing prepared me for what she said next. Prior to training as a chaplain, I stayed home with my young children, busy doing routine tasks such as carpooling, assisting… Continue reading A View Beyond the Veil