Give Your Burden to the Lord

by Charleen Burghardt Do you feel emotionally drained or emotionally worn out from all the demands on you and all you are carrying? I recently experienced a packed schedule and carrying family concerns and worries. Thoughts swirl around in our heads with questions of “why.” Then we add the demands of family, a job, and… Continue reading Give Your Burden to the Lord

Prayer Looks Up

by Charleen Burghardt “How will I manage without my phone?” he said in a panic. My husband and I recently visited the Olympic Peninsula on vacation in Washington state. We followed the shoreline, walking along the isolated driftwood-covered coast and enjoying the scenery. Olympic Peninsula As we returned to our vehicle to leave, my husband… Continue reading Prayer Looks Up

Mental Illness-One in Five

Sad and depressed

by Charleen Burghardt “Mom, they are going to come to get me,” he said. “Who is coming to get you?”  “The people on the computer.” “Do they know where you live?” She asked and then explained that people couldn’t come get him unless they had a physical address. This mother knew her son was experiencing… Continue reading Mental Illness-One in Five