God Delights in You

God rejoices over you!

By Charleen Burghardt Do you jot down notes to help you remember? I write reminders on little yellow sticky notes all over the house because I forget important things. If yellow sticky notes are unavailable, I find a scrap of paper to write on. Believe it or not, scribbling something on paper helps me organize;… Continue reading God Delights in You

Waiting Changes Us

I find it difficult to wait for something I want. Perhaps you can relate. Waiting is hard and even arduous. We wait to finish high school or wait to graduate from college or wait to get a house of your own or wait for that perfect job. As we wait, it appears to be no… Continue reading Waiting Changes Us

Winter Season of the Soul

Do you ever feel a letdown after Christmas? I experienced a letdown after all the festivities this year. Maybe I wearied from social activities and doing too much. Before the holiday, I packed each day in December with tasks. Then, when Christmas week came, I squeezed in more activities – visiting with family and friends,… Continue reading Winter Season of the Soul

Feeling Drained?

Red Rock

Have you ever felt depleted? I have, especially during holidays. Today, I woke up drained mentally from processing all the activities of the week and preoccupation with all the tasks ahead. Maybe I needed a slower day to recover. It seems I expect more of myself than I can accomplish in the time I have.… Continue reading Feeling Drained?