Give Your Burden to the Lord

by Charleen Burghardt Do you feel emotionally drained or emotionally worn out from all the demands on you and all you are carrying? I recently experienced a packed schedule and carrying family concerns and worries. Thoughts swirl around in our heads with questions of “why.” Then we add the demands of family, a job, and… Continue reading Give Your Burden to the Lord

The Power of Gratitude

by Charleen Burghardt “I’m weary but thankful,” I told a friend when asked how I was doing. My body may be fatigued and my emotions drained, but that doesn’t mean I am not grateful. The past two weeks have been overflowing with doctor appointments, company staying with us, extra meals to prepare, and lots of… Continue reading The Power of Gratitude

God Meets Us in Anger

man expressing anger

by Charleen Burghardt “God is big enough to handle your anger.” “God is big enough to handle your anger.” When I first heard those words during my chaplain training, they made me reconsider my perspective on anger. Can God meet us in anger? Previously, I thought God would be offended if I told him my… Continue reading God Meets Us in Anger

God Takes Our Anxieties

from Top Bible Verses

by Charleen Burghardt My Father used his well-worn wheelbarrow for many manual tasks. I can still picture him in the yard loading rocks, dirt, or sod into this piece of equipment and dumping the contents in another place. He stored his wheelbarrow in the garage beside his other tools, but it might have been his… Continue reading God Takes Our Anxieties

Prayer Looks Up

by Charleen Burghardt “How will I manage without my phone?” he said in a panic. My husband and I recently visited the Olympic Peninsula on vacation in Washington state. We followed the shoreline, walking along the isolated driftwood-covered coast and enjoying the scenery. Olympic Peninsula As we returned to our vehicle to leave, my husband… Continue reading Prayer Looks Up

Honoring Loss on Mother’s Day

by Charleen Burghardt Mother’s Day is upon us; it is a time of celebrating and honoring the special mother in our lives. If your mother is alive, be thankful and relish your time with her. What a gift to have your grandmothers or mother-in-law. Maybe you have someone who has been like a mother to… Continue reading Honoring Loss on Mother’s Day