Discovering God

Looking upward

By Charleen Burghardt Can we find God amid our suffering? This is a question most of us ask or at least entertain. A devotion I read addressed this question of discovering God in suffering. A young woman gives a personal and vulnerable recount of her journey with questioning God. Parmaytha is a young woman from… Continue reading Discovering God

God Delights in You

God rejoices over you!

By Charleen Burghardt Do you jot down notes to help you remember? I write reminders on little yellow sticky notes all over the house because I forget important things. If yellow sticky notes are unavailable, I find a scrap of paper to write on. Believe it or not, scribbling something on paper helps me organize;… Continue reading God Delights in You

Conviction or Condemnation

I wonder

By Charleen Burghardt Do you ever wake up with a gnawing in your stomach, feeling unworthy? Do you ever have a nebulous sense of disapproval that lingers? Did you do something wrong? Nothing comes to mind. You say, “Why do I feel this way?” It could be inner condemnation when we perceive ourselves as not… Continue reading Conviction or Condemnation

Mental Illness-One in Five

Sad and depressed

by Charleen Burghardt “Mom, they are going to come to get me,” he said. “Who is coming to get you?”  “The people on the computer.” “Do they know where you live?” She asked and then explained that people couldn’t come get him unless they had a physical address. This mother knew her son was experiencing… Continue reading Mental Illness-One in Five

Test Post

Hi, I noticed that notifications were not going out for my new posts, so I’m trying a few modifications to see if they work. If you receive a notification for this post, you don’t need to do anything, but I invite you to check out my recent posts at CharleenBurghardt/Blog

Grace Offers Hope

Grace Offers Hope

by Charleen Burghardt How did you make it through a hard time or an impossible situation? I look back to when my sons were young, and I was a single mother; I wonder how I survived. My two sons had a rare disease needing extra medical care and developmental disabilities needing intervention. I juggled teaching… Continue reading Grace Offers Hope